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The books of 1 and 2 Kings cover the history of Israel from the last days of the united kingdom under David to the eventual fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Within these books, the deuteronomic code—‘doing what is right in the Lord’s sight’—provides a framework by which monarchic history is measured. In the kings’ cultic failures lies the apostasy of the nation and its eventual exile....

unknown and ordinary folk (such as the besieged women [2 Kgs 6:26–30] or Hiel of Bethel [1 Kgs 16:34]) provide crucial plot turns or commentary within the ongoing story. But it is the kings around whom the story revolves. These figures are, however, indicators of two other important characters in 1-2 Kings. The first character is YHWH. Kings serve at YHWH’s behest and the monarchy is his allowance given his people when they rejected his own kingship (1 Sam. 8–12; Deut. 17:14–20). The monarchy is
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